Integral Coupling of Bottom Friction

Updated 2010/06/16: Revised figures from our Gustav MWR paper.
Updated 2011/08/26: Removed the Google Maps inset.
Updated 2012/09/10: Added the Google Maps inset and updated the equations in LaTeX.

One strength of the integral coupling of SWAN+ADCIRC is the increased accuracy resulting from the communication of the model components during the simulation. The computed wave solution is better because it includes the water levels and currents passed from ADCIRC, and the computed circulation solution is better because it includes the wave radiation stress gradients passed from SWAN. These benefits are described in a manuscript we submitted recently to Coastal Engineering (Dietrich et al., 2011).

We have applied SWAN+ADCIRC to the most recent hurricanes to impact southern Louisiana, including Gustav and Ike (2008). The following example shows the significant heights of the waves generated by Gustav as it moved through the Gulf:


Note how the waves are generated in the deeper Gulf and then propagated onto the continental shelf, where they break due to changes in bathymetry and bottom roughness. The associated radiation stress gradients are passed from SWAN to ADCIRC and used to drive currents and set-up. Our new SL16 mesh contains significantly more resolution in all of the wave transformation zones, including mesh spacings of about 4km in deep water, 500m-1km on the entire shelf, and 100-200m in the breaking zones.

However, the water levels, currents and radiation stress gradients are not the only parameters that can be coupled integrally. This page describes how we have also coupled the bottom friction between the two model components. In SWAN, using the friction formulation of Madsen et al. (1988), we can vary the bottom rougness both spatially and temporally, by computing physical roughness lengths based on the Manning’s n coefficients used by ADCIRC.

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How to Hot-Start SWAN+ADCIRC

Numerical models such as SWAN and ADCIRC can be started in different ways. The typical start is “cold,” i.e. with all computed quantities set to zero, and then the solution is allowed to develop naturally as the various forcings are applied. However, it is also possible to apply a “hot” start, in which the solution from a previous simulation is used as an initial condition. This page describes how to hot-start the tightly-coupled SWAN+ADCIRC.

As a point of discussion, please consider the following schematic of our hindcast validation of Hurricane Katrina:


In our hurricane hindcasts, such as the validations of Katrina and Rita described in papers to be published in Monthly Weather Review, the simulations are performed in two stages. First, a spin-up simulation is run for several days before the start of the hurricane winds, so that the tides and rivers can reach a dynamic equilibrium in the resonant basin of the Gulf of Mexico. Then the solution from that spin-up simulation is used as the initial condition for the hurricane hindcast simulation. For example, for Katrina, we employ an 18-day, tides/rivers spin-up simulation that starts on 07 August 2005, and then we run a 7-day, hurricane simulation that starts on 25 August 2005. The solution from the spin-up simulation is used to hot-start the hurricane simulation.

There are two ways in which the coupled SWAN+ADCIRC could be hot-started during this hindcast. First, it is always hot-started at the beginning of its simulation, at 2005/08/25/0000Z. Although SWAN is not run during the tides/rivers spin-up simulation, because its action is forced entirely by the hurricane winds, we do run ADCIRC during that stage. Thus, when the coupled SWAN+ADCIRC model is employed in the second stage, we must hot-start the ADCIRC half of the simulation. SWAN starts from scratch at the beginning of the hurricane simulation.

Second, we may need to hot-start at some time during the SWAN+ADCIRC stage if it ended abruptly, due to machine failure, user interruption, etc. Instead of re-starting that stage at its beginning, we would rather hot-start in the middle. Then both SWAN and ADCIRC would need to be hot-started, using an intermediate solution as an initial condition for the remainder of the simulation.

Thus, there are two distinct methods in which SWAN+ADCIRC might be hot-started. The first method, in which SWAN is cold-started and ADCIRC is hot-started, would occur in the transition between simulations in the Katrina hindcast. The second method would hot-start both SWAN and ADCIRC, such as at some intermediate time during the second stage of the Katrina hindcast. Instructions for both methods are included below.

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A High-Resolution Coupled Riverine Flow, Tide, Wind, Wind Wave, and Storm Surge Model for Southern Louisiana and Mississippi, Part II: Synoptic Description and Analysis of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

MWR2010bHurricanes Katrina and Rita were powerful storms that impacted southern Louisiana and Mississippi during the 2005 hurricane season. In Part I, the authors describe and validate a high-resolution coupled riverine flow, tide, wind, wave, and storm surge model for this region. Herein, the model is used to examine the evolution of these hurricanes in more detail. Synoptic histories show how storm tracks, winds, and waves interacted with the topography, the protruding Mississippi River delta, east-west shorelines, man-made structures, and low-lying marshes to develop and propagate storm surge. Perturbations of the model, in which the waves were not included, show the proportional importance of the wave radiation stress gradient induced setup.

JC Dietrich, S Bunya, JJ Westerink, BA Ebersole, JM Smith, JH Atkinson, RE Jensen, DT Resio, RA Luettich Jr, CN Dawson, VJ Cardone, AT Cox, MD Powell, HJ Westerink, HJ Roberts (2010). “A High-Resolution Coupled Riverine Flow, Tide, Wind, Wind Wave, and Storm Surge Model for Southern Louisiana and Mississippi, Part II: Synoptic Description and Analysis of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.Monthly Weather Review, 138, 378-404.

A High-Resolution Coupled Riverine Flow, Tide, Wind, Wind Wave, and Storm Surge Model for Southern Louisiana and Mississippi, Part I: Model Development and Validation

MWR2010aA coupled system of wind, wind wave, and coastal circulation models has been implemented for southern Louisiana and Mississippi to simulate riverine flows, tides, wind waves, and hurricane storm surge in the region. The system combines the NOAA Hurricane Research Division Wind Analysis System (H*WIND) and the Interactive Objective Kinematic Analysis (IOKA) kinematic wind analyses, the Wave Model (WAM) offshore and Steady-State Irregular Wave (STWAVE) nearshore wind wave models, and the Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) basin to channel-scale unstructured grid circulation model. The system emphasizes a high-resolution (down to 50m) representation of the geometry, bathymetry, and topography; nonlinear coupling of all processes including wind wave radiation stress-induced set up; and objective specification of frictional parameters based on land-cover databases and commonly used parameters. Riverine flows and tides are validated for no storm conditions, while winds, wind waves, hydrographs, and high water marks are validated for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

S Bunya, JC Dietrich, JJ Westerink, BA Ebersole, JM Smith, JH Atkinson, RE Jensen, DT Resio, RA Luettich Jr, CN Dawson, VJ Cardone, AT Cox, MD Powell, HJ Westerink, HJ Roberts (2010). “A High-Resolution Coupled Riverine Flow, Tide, Wind, Wind Wave, and Storm Surge Model for Southern Louisiana and Mississippi, Part I: Model Development and Validation.Monthly Weather Review, 138, 345-377.

Development of Storm Surge Which Led to Flooding in St. Bernard Polder during Hurricane Katrina

OE2010Hurricane Katrina caused devastating flooding in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. Storm surge surrounded the polder that comprises heavily populated sections of the Parish in addition to the Lower 9th Ward section of Orleans Parish. Surge propagated along several pathways to reach levees and walls around the polder’s periphery. Extreme water levels led to breaches in the levee/wall system which, along with wave overtopping and steady overflow, led to considerable flood water entering the polder. Generation and evolution of the storm surge as it propagated into the region is examined using results from the SL15 regional application of the ADCIRC storm surge model. Fluxes of water into the region through navigation channels are compared to fluxes which entered through Lake Borgne and over inundated wetlands surrounding the lake. Fluxes through Lake Borgne and adjacent wetlands were found to be the predominant source of water reaching the region. Various sources of flood water along the polder periphery are examined. Flood water primarily entered through the east and west sides of the polder. Different peak surges and hydrograph shapes were experienced along the polder boundaries, and reasons for the spatial variability in surge conditions are discussed.

BA Ebersole, JJ Westerink, S Bunya, JC Dietrich, MA Cialone (2010). “Development of Storm Surge Which Led to Flooding in St. Bernard Polder during Hurricane Katrina.Ocean Engineering, 37, 91-103.

Tightly Coupled, Unstructured Mesh, Wave and Circulation Models

In between presenting and writing up our work to couple tightly the SWAN and ADCIRC models, I also designed a poster for the hallway outside our lab.

It emphasizes our transition from the loose coupling with structured-mesh wave models to the tight coupling with the unstructured-mesh version of SWAN. The rectangle in the upper right and the triangle in the lower left are meant to “pop” from the sides of the poster, as shown in the picture to the right. By running on the same unstructured mesh, SWAN and ADCIRC can pass information locally, on the same core or across inter-core boundaries, without the need for global communication.

The poster itself is linked below. For more information about the SWAN+ADCIRC model, please visit my Web pages about the coupling. For a copy of our paper describing the coupled model, please contact me, and I would be happy to send it to you.

FigureGen v.41

Updated 2012/06/05: This version of FigureGen has become outdated, but is maintained on this page for reference. Please click here to be redirected to the newest version.

FigureGen is a FORTRAN program that creates images for ADCIRC files. It reads output files (fort.63, fort.64, maxele.63, etc.), grid files (fort.14, etc.), nodal attributes files (fort.13), etc. It plots contours, contour lines, and vectors. Using FigureGen, you can go directly from the ADCIRC input and output files to a presentation-quality figure, for one or multiple time snaps, without having to use SMS.

The following example depicts the water levels in ArcGIS as Ike moved through the Gulf:

Contours of water levels (m) in the Gulf of Mexico during Ike (2008), as visualized in ArcGIS.

Contours of water levels (m) in the Gulf of Mexico during Ike (2008), as visualized in ArcGIS.

This program started from a script written by Brian Blanton, and it contains code written by John Atkinson, Howard Lander, Chris Szpilka, Zach Cobell, and others. I converted it to FORTRAN because I am more familiar with that language, and I added the capability to plot vectors, among other things. But, at its core, FigureGen behaves like a script, and it uses system calls to tell other software how to generate the figure(s).

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